Legal Disclaimer: By using and/or purchasing from our website, you accept our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and this Legal Disclaimer. Germination of hemp and or cannabis seeds is illegal in many US states and other countries. Tip's Seeds and More, maintains that we sell non-psychoactive seeds that contain 0% THC & 0% CBD as collectible adult souvenirs for genetic preservation purposes. We do not encourage under any circumstances the use of these seeds for any other purpose and in no way whatsoever do we condone the germination of cannabis seeds. You also acknowledge and agree that you are prohibited from distributing any seeds to territories or countries where the possession of cannabis seeds and/or dealing in cannabis seeds are illegal. Warning: Germination – Tip's Seeds and More, does not accept any liability and does not provide any guarantees in respect to any of the products sold on its web site. Tip's Seeds and More expressly states that it does not wish to induce anyone to act in conflict with the law. All people who purchase our seeds are responsible for their actions and future actions. Our Seed bank will accept no responsibility in this respect. All information contained on this website and any associated promotional or packaging material is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to condone, promote or incite the cultivation of illegal and/or controlled substances.