Payment Options

All Major Credit Cards
Cash App
P.O. Check,

Cash-app Orders over $60 Will recieve Bonus seeds on top of regular orders.
1. If you're a repeat customer or does know exactly how you're going to make the payment via Cash app, Venmo exe...
than you can just send the total amount. Summit your order. We will contact you afterwards.
NOTE: We cannot see your order until you summit it!
2. We know how it sucks to wait for processing and shipping! When We get your order, We try and answer asap.
After payment We'll process your order in-between a mailing day cycle "We usually fill orders overnight"
Than We'll send you a confirmation with your tracking # in the email you provided!
Your mail is ready to be sent in the next mailing day cycle.
You should receive your order in/or around 3 to 5 business days
{Weather permitting and Holiday season do delay packages which is out of Our control.}
Below is a list of our current payment options.

1. All Major Credit cards Are Accepted
Credit Card charges will be applied.
2. Cash app is real simple to use. Download the Cash app from your app store It's fast simple and secure. Add your info and type $DuaneTipper
3. I use Venmo a lot and have found it to be the easiest way to use Credit Cards with this option. My Venmo is @Duane-Tipper you also might need the last 4 digits of my phone #0335.
5. FBPay is a great way to send and receive money both fast and convenient. My Facebook is and there is a picture of me NOTE NOT the picture of me on a motorcycle. Friend me and follow me so I can send you a money request if you do not know how to.

6. Post Office Money orders. This option works really well but also delays orders from being set out. Message me for more info!